Saturday, April 26, 2014

Everglades Wonder Gardens "Fun" Raiser Successful

What an awesome time and turn out for the Fun Raiser to benefit the Everglades Wonder Gardens.  Over 100 people came out to support the saving our our historic landmark in Bonita Springs. Thank You!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Florida SBDC at FGCU- Great Teamwork!

I have had the pleasure of working with the finest professionals the
past 5 years at the Florida SBDC Network.  Each day these great people give their time to help business owners in Southwest Florida by providing no cost confidential consulting to help with business needs from Business Plans to Social Media.  I would highly recommend calling for a free consultation today!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Clowning Around With CEO Jim Felds of Ringling Brothers Circus

What a great ending to a very successful Speakers Assembly program year.  The Hyatt was turned into a big circus, full of tall walkers, clowns and popcorn.  Most importantly, I leaned a lot about the Ringling Brothers company and how this family-owned business has operated and entertained families for over 60 years.  I enjoyed hearing Jim Felds, CEO of the company share his family philosophy and values.  I was truly amazed that his three daughters all college educated, came back to help run the company.  It inspired me to understand how they design their shows for families and where the company is headed.  Thank you for sharing your insights, I  will
now look at the circus differently.