Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Inaugural Eyeball Soiree - January 31, 2015

The Inaugural Eyeball Soiree to benefit the Bonita Springs Lions Eye Clinic will take place on Sat January 31st at the Everglades Wonder Gardens.  This event is anticipating a sell-out crowd of 250 attendees. The Lions Eye Clinic serves about 6,000 clients annually, providing free eye care.

Guests will enjoy tastings by six South Florida Chefs with wine and beer to savvy the flavors.  Entertainment,  live and silent auction will also take place.   M/C is Stacey Deffenbaugh, NBC-2 News Anchor.

Click HERE to read the full press release at the Naples Daily News web site. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy 2015!

Here we are another year older and wiser   with New Years resolutions galore. I know for me personally I plan to continue to grow my business slowly and profitable.

 My goal is to continue to take care of my existing clients offering more services listen to their needs and communicate 

I will be traveling a bit this summer, one trip overseas to see my brother marry the girl of his dreams which only took him 50 years to find the right gal.  Then out west to Colorado to the annual family reunion.

There is so much to do in only 364 days hopefully I will accomplish some if not all if it.

Here's to a great 2015!